Camden Haven Courier - Letter to the Editor

In the bad old days, Government Departments employed people with relevant technical skills. Had this still been the case today, we would not have to hear the never ending examples of Government incompetence and fiascos, such as the house ceiling installation scheme and the schools 'shed' rip-off saga.

Closer to home, the Forests NSW Agency is about to destroy itself, causing plenty of collateral damage along the way.

Forests NSW is yet another Government Agency headed by a foreign CEO and change agent.

The inevitable restructure will see the predictable avalanche of job losses based on flatulence or blemished assumptions about how the place operates, all fuelled by a bonus for the Chief, when numbers are reduced.

This time the emphasis is on flicking the hands-on 'doers' in the organisation, including the Fire Fighters and Plant Operators, not to mention the ongoing attrition of genuine Foresters.

Those of us with concerns about the environment, can forget Forest sustainability. People worried about bush fire destruction along the Mid North Coast, had better start running.

Forestry NSW will no longer have the capacity to respond. Better to stop the charade now.

William Caddy

Bonny Hills.